Research and development field of activity
Applied cognitive methods
Cellivia employs a team of high-class specialists, including professors of dentistry, cell and molecular biology, biotechnology, chemical and materials bioengineering and medical physics and biophysics. Our team of co-workers and partners includes scientists from domestic and foreign universities and health institutions. We focus on research based on an interdisciplinary team of doctors of various leading specializations.
A team of scientists is conducting advanced research on biological material obtained from model animals. The aim of the project is to transfer knowledge and experience from studies on animal material to the possibly wider use of tissues and cells, including exosomes, in medicine.
The scope of our research works includes the following methods:
In the future, the differentiation procedure may be carried out, as part of the tissue and cell bank activities, when specific types of cells will be necessary for use in the therapy of a given disease for a particular patient. Cells are differentiated only with regard to the clinical needs of patients.