R&D / Projects / Dentistry


Project. Derivation, characterization and standardization of homogeneous cultures of primary stem cells selected from the oral cavity for use in research on the regeneration and reconstruction of human tissues.

Testing new biomaterials in reconstructive dentistry and implantology.

The project team

The project team

Employees of the Poznań Science and Technology Park
and the Cellivia team.

Project in brief

The project is based on cell and tissue bioengineering and consists in the derivation, characterization and standardization of homogeneous cultures of primary cells selected from the oral cavity area. The aim of the project is to use the derived stem cell cultures in the studies on the regeneration and reconstruction of human tissues. The results of studies and the obtained biomaterials can be used in dental surgery and implantology.


Cellivia scientific team conducts the research on model animals regarding the feasibility and biocompatibility of selected biomaterials. Research on biomaterials is expected to improve the comfort, safety and health of patients.


The Cellivia team conducts research on the derivation of homogeneous primary cell cultures from the oral cavity, which also involves the development of innovative methods of isolation, separation and characterization of exosomes from a conditioned medium, tissues and cells.

We also carry out research involving decellularization of the mucosa in order to create carriers for growth factors and exosomes. These studies are in the phase of implementation. Their goal is to develop biologically active materials for the regeneration and reconstruction of tissues in dental procedures or in periodontal diseases and peri-implant inflammations. Indirectly, this will result in the development of a repeatable and minimally manipulative method to obtain exosomes, in which biomarkers, but also biomolecules /carriers of the future are seen.

Expected results
The result of the design work will be a patent application and commercialization of the technique.